Do You Know if Sensitive Data Is Leaving Your Network? - Ocala, Gainesville, Orlando | Verteks Consulting, Inc.
A microchip engineer was recently accused of stealing trade secrets using a clever technique. He allegedly sent data to his personal computer by hiding schematics in image files named for [...]
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Do You Know if Sensitive Data Is Leaving Your Network? - Ocala, Gainesville, Orlando | Verteks Consulting, Inc.
published by Verteks Consulting
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by experienced and responsive engineers
At Verteks, we go out of our way to ensure that the businesses and government agencies that we serve have access to the very latest technologies. Our aim is to provide innovative IT and communication solutions that are delivered with courtesy and professionalism by our certified experts. We create technology infrastructures that give you a solid foundation on which to grow your organization and we back that up with round-the-clock support.